Busy busy busy..thats all we seem to be! No we haven't been snapped up by daleians we here honestly!
We have lots of bloggie readin and postin to do. Also Poppy Penny and Pocket and our great matie Noah have challenged us ..so we to get our brains to work on that one!
Have we ever told u about Tommy the Tractor he is a red tractor we use to muck the donkey hotel out with. Well our hooman mum was taught by hooman dad to drive it a while ago...thats when the fun began. She was mucking out the other week and we watched in dale amusement as she hurtled down the driveway of the house..she seemed to be going ever so fast! Guess what she left it too late to brake and went crashing through the fence into the donkey paddock. Yikes! Fortuately the donks were in the hotel having breakie. We knew she was ok when Tommy came out of the hole in reverse. You never have the camera when you need it!
Hooman dad hadn't seen or heard what happened so we heard her say "do you know we have a couple of damaged fence rails need repairing"? haha From the very very bad words we heard ....so bad me and Teddy made the girls put their paws over their ears! We fink he guessed the truth!!!
Last week after heavy windies some repair work needed doing to one of the wooden stables that holds the hay and straw the wind had blown a tin sheet off the roof...so we watched gripped with tension as hooman mum got into Tommys front bucket and hooman daddy drove Tommy and lifted her to roof height to hold the new sheet in place. Everything was going well till Tommy had to be reposition....she hung on in the bucket and Tommy got closer to the building and closer and closer she was the F.B.O. (front bucket observer) she was supposed to tell him when he got too close! Suddenly he leapt out of Tommy shouting "whats that noise" our hooman mum said " you've hit the post"! Paws over ears thuglets...... Tommy doesn't half give us some laughs. We would love to ride in the front bucket..but the meanies won't let us.
Well there is lots of activity going on here, and we have had some very exciting news about some important visitors coming to stay at the end of the month....infact me and Teddy are very excited.
We are in the middle, yes still in the middle of daleairdoo's ...she'll need to start us all again soon if she doesn't get a move on!
Its Tuesday morning and there is a yellow thing in the sky so Cora has dashed out for a spot of digging before breakie assisted by Dorcus and Holly who seem to get covered in the mud that comes flying out. Ellie is having a lie in..priviledge of the lady. Me and Teddy well we have a heavy day planned but managed to grab puter for few mins..bone day today yahooooooo then teatime big runs in the fields and play our favo games how much donkey pooh can you eat or better still roll in?
This is Holly Donk...she is very naughty she plays a game where she charges at the fence when we are in the garden she stops at the last minute....Eyeores at us spins round...clicks her hoofies ...does a loud rootie toot and gallops off!lol
Forgot to mention as you know we often practise dale howling at 3am in a morning...infact most mornings...well for the last 5 nights the hoomans have put a voice activated recorder in the kitchen so that Molly and Taffy's mum and everyone can here how good we are. Guess what.....we haven't made a sound for 5 nights! LOL
Dorcus says " to howl or not to howl - thats the question"?
Right must dash Tommy is about to start up..so lets see what happens today!
Big Nose Pokes
Webster , Teddy & the girls x