Cora became unwell on thursday she started being sick and had horrid pooh's (nasty smellie diarrhoea)...mum and dad with our help looked after her but on friday morning they decided she was off to visit the vet.
After a very thorough examination ..where they put a thing called a thermometer in a very personal space ...Cora did not have a temperature, after an xray to make sure she ahd nothing stuck, the diagnosis was Cora had an infection.
She was a very brave girl and had a huge injection of antibiotics and came home to rest. She was quite bright by friday evening, but still would not eat.
Saturday whilst she was still bright, she still would not eat..and whilst not being sick, she still had horrid pooh's and she would not drink.
About teatime suddenly Cora became very lethargic and she was rushed to the emergency vet hospital. We were very upset when mum and dad came home a couple of hours later without Cora.
Cora was described as very very sick and the vet had admitted her to hospital so that she could be given fluids as she was very dehydrated, they also were running blood tests and talked of a further xray and ultra sound scan. Lots of nasty possible causes were discussed. We were all very upset.
The vet phoned at 22.45hrs... to say Cora's bloods whilst normal showed that she was severely dehydrated (more than the vet believed) it was thought she had a very nasty tummy bug and the next few hours and getting fluids into her were very important. The vet said if Cora's condition deteriorated during the night they would ring mum and dad and discuss the best way forward. None of us slept last night.
Thankfully by morning no calls had come from the vet.
We rang the vet early today and he was pleased to say Cora had responded well to all the fluids she had been given..they had just run her blood tests again and thing were looking better. She was now out of danger!
The vet felt that whilst she still would not eat Cora would recover better at home with us. The belief is she has a very nasty tummy bug.
Mum and dad went to collect her and when Cora saw them she was so pleased big licks and cuddles all round.
She came home and we were so pleased to see her, we have looked after her all day. She has slept alot but is drinking and has managed to eat a small dinner of chicken.
Cora still has a long road to recovery but she is home and doing well with our care, all of us together with mum and dad have been with her all day.
Cora assisted us all in her recovery by removing her own bandage off her leg..which we have to say looks really funny and strange as they have shaved her leg for the fluid drip she had!
We are all feeling alot better tonight now Cora is home and on the mend. We are looking forward to a good nights sleep but will be watching her closely.
Get well soon our little scottish princess!
The Thugletsx